Have some input for protesting your Michigan or Florida property tax assessment ? Please share it here. Church & non-profit workshops on lowering your property taxes & tax assessments offered for free .

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Public Act 123 of 1999

Public Act 123 of 1999 has reduced the time frame in which delinquent taxes can be paid, from 5 years to approximately 2 years. Tax bills delinquent for a one year period will now incur a higher interest rate (1.5% per month, as opposed to the current 1%), along with additional fees, such as the $175.00 forfeiture fee. If taxes remain unpaid for a two year period, the property will be foreclosed and sold at a public auction held by the State of Michigan. ONCE FORECLOSED, PROPERTY CAN NO LONGER BE REDEEMED.....( Link shows timeline & FAQ's)

Friday, October 2, 2009


Small Claims Appeal Process

The Tribunal's Small Claims Division utilizes an informal hearing process to resolve the majority of all appeals filed with the Tribunal. Parties typically represent themselves in such appeals. Steps to a Small Claims Appeal:

1. Initiating Appeal
2. Petition Form
  • If an appeal is initiated by the filing of a letter, the Tribunal will send the petitioner a petition form that must be completed and returned by the date on the form, as required by TTR 320.
  • The failure to complete and timely return the petition form may result in the dismissal of the appeal.
3. Answer Form
  • If the completed petition form has been timely returned, the Tribunal will send an answer form to the respondent.
  • The answer form must be completed and returned by the date on the form, as required by TTR 332.
  • The failure to complete and timely return the answer form OR properly submit a copy of the completed answer form to the petitioner may result in the conducting of a default hearing.
4. Discovery
  • There is no discovery in the Small Claims Division except by leave of Tribunal only, as provided by TTR 111(3).
5. Notice of Hearing
  • Notice of the scheduling of a hearing is sent to both parties approximately 30 days in advance of the hearing.
  • The notice will provide the date, time, and location of the hearing.
6. Hearing
  • Small Claims hearings are generally 30 minutes in length.
  • The presiding judge will be a Tribunal member or hearing officer.
  • Parties are required to submit their documentary evidence to the Tribunal and the opposing party at least 14 days in advance of the scheduled hearing date, as provided by TTR 342.
  • A party may request that a hearing be conducted "on the file," as provided by TTR 317.
  • A party may request that a hearing be adjourned.
7. Opinion and Judgment
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Related Content
Answer Form
Petition Instructions
Small Claims Petitions
What is the Tribunal's procedure for a
Small Claims matter?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another Win at the Michigan Tax Tribunal

Just saved another client about $1700/yr in taxes while getting 2 back years of reduction for another and saving about $900.

On another protest, about $4400/yr for a 2 year judgement, was won at 3rd and final appeal/hearing.